Pods - Specimen details

Pods - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 59390

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Plant Name 57.02 LEGUMINOSAE-CAESALPINIOIDEAE Caesalpinia pulcherrima Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Pods Vernacular Name
Iso Country Guatemala TDWG Region Guatemala
Parts Held Pods Geography Description Guatemala
Uses PodsUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Clarke Donor No
Donor Date 00/00/1921 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Letter 232, 1921 : XIX p.112. Dated June 6th 1921, Mr Clarke, acknowledge with best thanks the receipt of his letter of the 2nd instant together with the seed-pods from Guatemala. These appear to be those of C. pulcherrima, a shrub largely, grown for decorative purposes and as a hedge plant in the tropics. It is commonly known as Paradise Flower, Barbados Pride, Barbados Flower Fence etc.

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