Hooks or spines - Specimen details

Hooks or spines - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 53870

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Plant Name 84.01 RUBIACEAE Uncaria gambier Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Hooks or spines Vernacular Name
Iso Country Japan TDWG Region Japan
Parts Held Hooks or spines Geography Description Japan
Uses Hooks or spinesUse: MEDICINES User: Man TDWG use MEDICINES
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Christy T Donor No
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Notes: Label source: Tian T'ang, Porter Smith, Chinese Mat. Med p.224 This drug consists of short portions of the slender stems half an inch to one inch in length and one to two lines broad, with one or two strongly recurved hooks. The whole is of a brown colou, r and has an astringent taste. These curious hooks do not consist, as described by Porter Smith, of the stipules, but of the stalk which bears the flower heads. The flower stalks, as described by Bentley and Trimen's 'Medincinal Plants' are furnished near, the middle with a few bracts beyond which the peduncle is more slender. After the fall of the fruit the portion of the stem below the bracts elongates, hardens and forms a strong recurved hook by means of which the plant climbs. On some of the hooks the, traces of the fall of peduncle and bract may still be seen, on others, which have probably arisen from abortive inflorescences, there is no sign of them. It is probable that these hooks are also obtained from U.acida, Roxb. a plant which is used in the Ma, lay Islands in the same manner. The hooks possess astringent properties, and a wine is made from them used for infantile diseases as according to Dr Porter Smith. Neither of these species are mentioned in Franchet and Savatier work, and this drug may ther, efore be a Japanese importation from China.

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