Box for cinchona preparation - Specimen details

Box for cinchona preparation - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 52560

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Plant Name 84.01 RUBIACEAE Entry Book Number 171.1882
Artefact Name Box for cinchona preparation Vernacular Name
Iso Country India TDWG Region India
Parts Held Box for cinchona preparation Geography Description India
Uses Box for cinchona preparationUse: MEDICINES User: Man TDWG use MEDICINES
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Notes: Label source: Mixed cinchona alkaloids. This preparation is made from the red cinchona bark grown at the Govt plantations, Darjeeling, and contains all the febrifugal alkaloids of the C succirubra in the relative proportion in which they exist naturally, in the bark. Its efficacy in the treatment of fever has been carefulfly tested by a number of experienced medical officers. The reports received clearly show that it possesses to very nearly the same extent, the antiperiodic properties of quinine, and m, ay be safely substituted for the latter in the treatment of ordinary fever and ague. It is issued by Govt at a low price as a cheap and efficient febrifuge for the poorer classes in India, and is not intended to replace quinine in serious and complicated, cases, or among those who can afford to pay for the more expensive drug. Administration : It may be given the in the same doses as quinine. Natives frequently prefer to swallow it in the state of powder, or to rub it up for themselves with a little go, or or honey before taking it. It may also be conveniently made into pills with a little lime juice. One fluid drachm of lemon juice is sufficient to convert a drachm of the powder into a good pill mass. The febrifuge does not mix very well with water., For dispensary purposes it is convenient to prepare and keep a concentrated solution which simply requires dillution before administration. The flollowing formula may be used for this purpose. Febrifuge - 3 ounces, troy. Acid sulp dil pb -3 fluid ounc, es. Water - 17 fluid ounces. One fluid drachm of this solution contains six grain of febrifuge, and should be diluted with at least on ounce of water before administration. The quantity of acid indicated will dissolve perfectly all the alkaloids present, , but a small protion of the colouring matter will remain insoluble. This should be disregarded, or, if preferred, it may be separated by filtering the solution; but a larger proportion of acid should on no account be employed. Price. - To the general, public, 20 rupees per pound tin. Postage 12 annas extra per tin. Cash must accompany all orders.

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