Herb - Specimen details

Herb - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 52188

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Plant Name 88.00 COMPOSITAE Artemisia brevifolia Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Herb Vernacular Name
Iso Country India TDWG Region India
Parts Held Herb Geography Description Gurez (Garez), Kashmir
Uses HerbUse: MEDICINES User: Not defined TDWG use MEDICINES
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Pharm Soc GB Donor No 12 B 3
Donor Date Donor Notes Sent by Col. A. Miller, Indian Store Departmentx0Dx0A
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date 16/07/1922
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: See Bull Imp. Inst. XXI 1923 p.316x0Dx0AThis specimen is part of the sample examined by Greenish & Maplethorpe Y.B. 1923 p.646x0Dx0AA previous sample was examined for santonin content by Greenish and Pearson, see P.V. 1921 [4] 52 2. Identified at Kew as A.brevifo, lia L. FLora Indica iii p.323x0Dx0A

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