Portion of stem - Specimen details

Portion of stem - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 50915

Plant Name 101.01 SAPOTACEAE Mimusops elata Entry Book Number 86.1849
Artefact Name Portion of stem Vernacular Name
Iso Country Brazil TDWG Region Brazil
Parts Held Portion of stem Geography Description Brazil, Para
Uses Portion of stemUse: User: Man TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Spruce, Richard Donor No 21
Donor Date 28/12/1849 Donor Notes
Collector Spruce, Richard Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Portion of stem showing milk exuding.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0ASource: Spruce, R. (1855) Domestic Uses. Plantae Amazonicae. Domestic Uses. (pp31-61) and miscellaneous notes, p37.: Thus bearing this name found north of Amazon upwards. Probably all belong to sam, e genus of Sapotaceae. Trees seen at Para had leaves which were veined like those of Lecoma rinoa. The fruit was said to be one of the most delicious of wild fruits. The species I found on mapping Guania have fruit of rather disagreeable taste. Milka, lso is not drinkable where that of Para is delicious, like that of Cumá. Milk of another species growing on terre firme is considered better for glue, but this also has not a pleasant taste. All species seem to have a deep, dull heavy wood; that of terr, e firme much esteemed for canoes.

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