Wourali POISON - Specimen details

Wourali POISON - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 50236

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Plant Name 108.01 LOGANIACEAE Strychnos toxifera Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Wourali POISON Vernacular Name
Iso Country Guyana TDWG Region Guyana
Parts Held Wourali POISON Geography Description Guyana, Southern America, Northern South America
Uses Wourali POISONUse: MEDICINES User: Not defined TDWG use MEDICINES
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Pharm Soc GB Donor No 37 F 9
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
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Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Not Strychnos toxifera. Information from Dr King 1934 Med. Research Hampstead. Probably Menispermaceae. Small phial of poisoned tips from Malayan arrows, said to be Upas tree W.H. Burkill F.L.S. 13. VI. 1934. Letter - The University Leeds,, Herbarium June 18 1934 Dear Mr Wallis, the arrow tips were given to me by the late Arthur Sanderson F.L.S. who was in the laboratories of the Rubber Growers Association at Kuala Lumpur F.M.S. 1918-1930 or about that period. He was a very keen naturalist, , likely to make enquires about the poisons employed by the natives but I do not know the evidence on which he based the note 'Said to be Upas'. Kerners statement in Vol II. p.758 and a similar reference to Bentley p.621 to the poisonous nature of the jui, ce of Antiaris toxicaria, to some extent support Sandersons statement, but I have not looked into the matter and I should not be surprised to hear that the poison is of uncertain origin. Yours truely WH Burrell. Opuscular source: Article reprinted from, the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, Aug 9 1935, Vol LIV, No 32 'Chemistry & Industry' pp. 739-740 about Tubocurare. Details chemical composition of the poison.

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