Tree rubber - Specimen details

Tree rubber - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 49699

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Plant Name 106.00 APOCYNACEAE Funtumia elastica Entry Book Number 36.1900
Artefact Name Tree rubber Vernacular Name
Iso Country Zimbabwe TDWG Region Zimbabwe
Parts Held Tree rubber Geography Description Zimbabwe, Africa, South Tropical Africa, Mumbesi River, near Kabompo River
Uses Tree rubberUse: MATERIALS - Latex/Rubber User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Latex/Rubber
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Lyttleton Gell P Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Valued by Hecht, Levis & Kahn at about 2/2 to 2/4 per lb. 8.5.07. No. 5 Found on Mumbesi River, two days E. of Kabompo River and W. of Kabompo. Purchased close to the source of the Kabompo. Label source: From NW Rhodesia
Determinations:106.00 APOCYNACEAE Funtumia elastica (Preuss) Stapf.
    115.00 SCROPHULARIACEAE Kickxia elastica

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