Roots - Specimen details

Roots - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 48663

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Plant Name 113.01 CONVOLVULACEAE Ipomoea orizabensis Entry Book Number 11.1904
Artefact Name Roots Vernacular Name
Iso Country Mexico TDWG Region Mexico
Parts Held Roots Geography Description Mexico, Northern America, North and Central America
Uses RootsUse: MEDICINES - Digestive System Disorders User: Man TDWG use MEDICINES - Digestive System Disorders
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Holmes EM Donor No
Donor Date 05/03/1904 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Radix orizabae - This root, which has for some time been supplied commercially and which is also known as Radix Scammoniae mexicanae, is derived from Ipomoea orizabansis, a convolulaceae growing in Mexico. The root contains a resin similar, to scamorium, the proportion of which has been shown by G Weigel to be 17-18%. Lesser kinds contain only 6-7%. Therapeutically, as a purgative, the resin of the orizata root is possibly equivalent to the scammonium resin. Mercks Report Volume XVII 1903 pa, t.mag. 1904 J.H.H. Aug 2 1904. Ipomoea orizabensis Ledensis Index Kewensis. Pharm Journ. 5.3.04. pp 326 & 327.

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