Tobacco - Specimen details

Tobacco - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 48198

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Plant Name 114.01 SOLANACEAE Nicotiana sp Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Tobacco Vernacular Name
Iso Country Colombia TDWG Region Colombia
Parts Held Tobacco Geography Description Valle del Cauca, Palmirax0Dx0ALocality revised 2019
Uses TobaccoUse: SOCIAL USES - Smoking Materials/Drugs User: Man TDWG use SOCIAL USES - Smoking Materials/Drugs
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor HM Board of Customs Donor No
Donor Date 00/08/1876 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Tobacco bound in bast, and imported in this form under the name of bark for the purpose of defrauding the Revenue. Tobacco tied with bast, part of a quantity imported into this country from New York in Feb 1874, siezed and condemned for bei, ng fraudulently named as 'bark'. Known in trade as Columbian and was originally procured from the town of Palmyra, Columbia, South America. This class of tobacco is usually imported unstemmed and tied in bunches in a similar manner to Virginia and other, American unstemmed unmanufactured tobacco, but in this instance it has been stemmed probably for the purpose of saving freight or poss for more conveniently packing it with goods free of duty to defraud the Revenue. The Board are further informed that t, he tobacco in question was without doubt intended for manufacture of cigars. It is rarely imported into this country stemmed and packed as in the present instance. Opuscular source: Sir, The tobacco which was last supplied this establishment under yourd, irection (Nov 2nd) is both put by and tied with material in form which is quite new to me, and unlike any of the samples exhibited in a museum of this establishment. On the subject of tobacco cultivators and manufactures is one of much interest and uponwh, ich I am active ....?.... with both its Indian & Colonial Government. The ...?... of ....?.... from which country the sample is ...?... was procured and would be very much obliged if you would obtain the information for me

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