Symbolic pouch for presenting gifts - Specimen details

Symbolic pouch for presenting gifts - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 40906

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Plant Name 4.01 MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia sp Entry Book Number 18.1982.1
Artefact Name Symbolic pouch for presenting gifts Vernacular Name
Iso Country Japan TDWG Region Japan
Parts Held Symbolic pouch for presenting gifts Geography Description Japan, Eastern Asia, Asia Temperate
Uses Symbolic pouch for presenting giftsUse: MATERIALS - Wood User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Wood
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Tamanokai Group of the Kyoshi Takahama Soc Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes see also 54.1979 spelt as Tamanokai in this entry but originally Tamamokai in this one
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Used in ceremony at Kew Gardens. Note from Paula Rudall, Anatomy to Rosemary Angel dated 5.5.82 Rosemary - I've spent some time looking at these papers & David has checked through them, but unfortunately they all seem to be a mixture - a re, gular soup of different components. The piece 'A' (see drawing with specimen) consists of at least 2 different hardwoods and possibly some monocot stem material. 'B' is silver paper of unknown origin - possibly resinous (not cellular plant material) Wrapp, ed round plant fibres which seem to consist mainly of conifer tracheids and monocot stem material. 'C' the red sided paper consists of at least 4 different hardwoods, including material resembling vessel elements of Magnolia sp and Betula sp. The paper wh, ich is white on both sides contains conifer tracheids and hardwood fibres. As you can see, there is such a mixture here that it would take a lot of work to sort them out. We wondered if the people who donated it or the Japanese Embassy might be able to o, ffer some information, if the papers used are traditional, or if there is some significance in their components? We could probably be of more help if we knew what was likely to be present.
Determinations:4.01 MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia sp
    159.01 BETULACEAE Betula sp

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