Selected folk medicines from Malawi - Specimen details

Selected folk medicines from Malawi - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 40193

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Plant Name 999.99 FAMILY UNKNOWN Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Selected folk medicines from Malawi Vernacular Name
Iso Country Malawi TDWG Region Malawi
Parts Held Selected folk medicines from Malawi Geography Description Malawi
Uses Selected folk medicines from MalawiUse: MEDICINES User: Man TDWG use MEDICINES
Storage Miscellaneous Related Items
Donor Nkambeni Dr Abraham Donor No
Donor Date 00/00/1980 Donor Notes Mkhoma BSx0Dx0A
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Opuscular source: (Draft letter to Her Majesty's Secretary) Dear Sir, I am writing to let you know of a donation of specimens and samples to Her Majesty the Queen by two Malawian traditional practitioners. The items are in our possession at Kew, and I, imagine that you would prefer us to incorporate them into our collections rather than actually forward them to you. Nonetheless, you may think it appropriate that some official acknowledgement and thanks be sent from Buckingham Palace. One of my staff,, Dr RK Brummitt, was in Malawi on Official Business for ODA in April and May this year (1980) and the materials were presented to him at a meeting of traditional mediciners in Blantyre, with the request that he convey them to Our Queen. Since he was actua, lly boarding the aeroplane to return home later the same day, Dr Brummitt was unable to carry any except the two live plants included, and the rest were repacked by Dr BJ Hargreaves of the Univ of Malawi and forwarded to Kew by sea. They arrived recently, . The traditional mediciners have no formal training in medicine as we know it, but perform a useful function in village life, preparing remedies from local plant and animal sources. They are certainly not to be regarded as witch doctors and are encoura, ged by the official hospital service in Malawi. In many cases the scientific explanation of their activities is not yet understood, and it is poss that modern medical science has something to learn from the remedies they use. Recently the traditional me, diciners have formed themselves into a society, encouraged by Dr Hargreaves (an American), aiming to link their own work with that of the official health service. It was to an inaugural meeting of this society that Dr Brummitt was invited, and at whichth, e presentations to the Queen were made. While there is no doubting the complete sincerity of the good wishes towards Her Majesty, it may also be observed that the newly formed organisation may hope to benefit from publicity achieved by these gifts.The le, ading personality of the society is Mr BS Mkhoma, who might be regarded as its president but there seems not to be any formal constitution yet. The presentations were mostly made through him in verbal communication, but five of the powders werein a spec, ial consignment from Mr Abraham Nkambeni who included the enclosed personal letter to Her Majesty the Queen. (Although he gives his title as Dr this is probably bestowed on him only by himself). We now suggest you might like to base letters to both Mr M, khoma and Mr Nkambeni on the enclosed draft. (Other similar correspondence included in Box of samples) Yours sincerely Prof JPM Brenan (Director) Label source: A). 3, 'Fordema'. Take this a fortune in demand, roots when ever you want certain chances, either in speaking at writting. Put in the mouth an inch peice of these roots when an application of anything you want you shall be given good. Answer - just keep it in the mouth - dont chew it. After writing then sign your name and when folding it yo, u blow the air on written space, then after folding into envelope before sealing, you will receive a favourable answer. When selling things keep it in the mouth speak what you like even on the party? Good sales will result. Do not chew. Not poisonous., When not needed wrap in a paper, can be used many times - lasts longer than a month. Hurrah. do it always. Herbalist. B). 4. 'Birth Control'. If always you are bearing baby boys or girly without change tis can change, also can give twins or triplets, . One piece of 3' roots put in pot one cup tea of water, wait for one teaspoon that send flour for gruel? Stand a 3 minute boil them in a cup of gruel, stand on front door step looking outside, drink once or twice and say baby boy. Look inside house if, you want girl. WARNING. Do not drink more than once and swallow because every swallow is a child. 'Fulfill the world' Only the wife should drink as instructed. C).Msukachuma - for reproducing. Mix it with teacup gruel. D). 5. Cal'frie. Take these dr, ied leaves in a soup spoon full, put in the basin in water, then take a piece fire coal and drop in the water before start to bath and say, 'My name is 'so and so'. I am as good as water, I call my friend 'so so', he is as good as fire. If wate ris more, powerful than fire, I command him to come to me tomorrow and visit me. Then bath. Do that three evenings and you will see him come to see you. Remember, when visiting put that piece of 1 inch root in your mouth for pleasing results. For'dema. number f, ive. Hail how lucky you are. E). 2. Birds blinding Powder. This charcoal root powder blinds small birds such as sparrows and robins etc. I command you to add two heads of young birds unopened eyes burnt to charcoal. Mix with this powder then when so, wing moisten the seeds you need to sow in order to hold powder going into the soil and germinate. In the harvest no bird can see the grain. No harm, reap plenty. (This is for 1.5 acre plants.) F). 1. Heart attack. It happens to feel pain, dizzy. Take, one teaspoonful in a cup of gruel. G. Herb. Univ. Malawi. Misala 16 May 1980. H.) Msiye, No. 9? Use for depression? I.) Citric acid. Pains. 1 tsp in gruel. J.) Reproducing. Mix 1tsp in one teacup of gruel. K.) High Blood Pressure. L.) Mlimbiko., Herb. Univ. Malawi. 16 May 1980 ((Also 8 unidentified packages))

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