Cocoa Tree Scrubber - Specimen details

Cocoa Tree Scrubber - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 36193

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Plant Name 187.00 PALMAE Raphia vinifera Entry Book Number 105.1942
Artefact Name Cocoa Tree Scrubber Vernacular Name
Iso Country Not defined TDWG Region Not defined
Parts Held Cocoa Tree Scrubber Geography Description
Uses Cocoa Tree ScrubberUse: MATERIALS User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
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Notes: Label source: H Hamel Smith's IMPvd Cocoa Tree Scrubber Opuscular source: c/o Hamel Smith & Co, East & West India Merchants, 112 Fenchurch Street, London EC, 1 November 1902 - to the Director, Kew. Dear Sir, After some uncertainty as to whether it will, interest you or not, I have sent you per post one of my improved Cocoa Tree Scrubbers, which I am bringing out to satisfy a long felt want experienced by everybody whose estates are situated in districts damp enough to cause moss and other growths to trou, ble the bark of the trees. They are being made by Samuel Ludbrook & Co, Bancroft Brush Works, Mile End London E. they have the sole right of stamping them with my name and to whom all trade enquires should be addressed. The price they invoice at is 6/4 d, .per dozen for lots of one gross and upwards. Though I don't put this on the circular lest the merchants here or store keepers abroad might object, but at that price the brush should be obtainable pretty well anywhere at 1/- to 1/6 d according to cost of, Hamel & Co. Perhaps even in English agric. centres such a brush at times might be of use. Further details if needed will be supplied with pleasure, Yours Harold Hamel Smith.

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