Seed - Specimen details

Seed - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 32304

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Plant Name 200.00 POACEAE Oryza sativa Entry Book Number 29.1987
Artefact Name Seed Vernacular Name
Iso Country Pakistan TDWG Region Pakistan
Parts Held Seed Geography Description Pakistan, Asia-Tropical, Indian Subcontinent, Karachi
Uses SeedUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Watt Dr G Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Unhusked grain. From collector of Karachi, Bombay. Reg. no. 8324 . File nv 152-A The specimens would show it to be a stunted plant perhaps not more than 18 inches in height, though it is possible that only the tops were cut off and supplied, . It is usually described as 4 to 6 feet in height the upright stems rising from a stout creeping rhizome. The foregoing particulars are from a report by Dr Watt on the Nanoi undated. Nanoi produced in the Ghorabari, Shahbandar, and Mirpuroakro yalukas, K, arachi collectorate, Sind and collected in the months of July and August. The grass (suhungah) producing the grain grows among other kinds of grass on the marshy grounds on the banks of the Indus which are constantly washed by sweet and salt water at ebb, and flow tides respectively. The grass is gathered by the poorer classes for their own consumption, but it is sometimes exchanged for equivalent value in rice and other articles offered by petty traders going around the creeks, and two or three maunds (?, )of it are thus brought every season to Keti-bander and a small quantity exported to Karachi. A noticeable feature about the gathering of the grass is the vast amount of labour and trouble involved; it is estimated that a man engaged in a whole day cannot, collect more than 4 seers.
Determinations:200.00 POACEAE Oryza sativa L.
    200.00 POACEAE Oryza coarclata

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