Exudate - Specimen details

Exudate - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 27241

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Plant Name 207.00 ARAUCARIACEAE Agathis macrophylla Entry Book Number 65.1913
Artefact Name Exudate Vernacular Name
Iso Country Solomon Islands TDWG Region Solomon Islands
Parts Held Exudate Geography Description Solomon Islands, Island of Vani Koro
Uses ExudateUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Chas M Woodford Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Mr CM Woodford, Resident Commissioner Tulagi, British Solomon Islands. Leaves at Herbarium Letter dated July 26th 1913 - Sir, I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 5th May last, together eith a specimen of the foliage anda, sample of the resin obtained from a tree in Vanikoro Is. The specimens submitted for identification are Agathis macrophylla Lindl., a species to the Kauri Pine (Agathis australis). Agathis macrophylla was discovered in 1850 by Mr Charles Moore in Vaniko, ro Is. The tree seems to have escaped the observation of Admiral Dunont d'Urville as no mention of it is made in the account of the voyage or in the botanical supplement. For a commercial valuation I have pleasure in enclosing copy of a letter received fr, om a London firm to whom your example was submitted. Signed The Director. Copy of report on a sample of 'Gum Copal' (A.macrophylla) from the Island of Vanikoro, submitted to Kew by the Resident Commissioner, Tulagi. Messre Lewis & Peat, 6 Mincing Lane Lon, don. 24th July 1913. To Keeper of Museums, Kew. ' With reference to your sample of gum, which we beg to return herewith; we have carefully examined same and find it to be a species of Fiji or New Caledonia Gum Copal, the value of which varies from 35/- pe, r cwt for clean scraped to 20/- for rough coated as per your sample. The goods are sold ex store London, with a discount of 2 1/2 % and 2lb per case allowed as draft. Our brokerage for selling is 1%. The article would not pay to deal in, in any quantity, less than one ton'.

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