Specimens of wreaths - Specimen details

Specimens of wreaths - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 26847

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Plant Name 101.01 SAPOTACEAE Mimusops Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Specimens of wreaths Vernacular Name
Iso Country Egypt TDWG Region Egypt
Parts Held Specimens of wreaths Geography Description Egypt, Saqqara
Uses Specimens of wreathsUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Archaeological Related Items
Donor Univ. Coll. London Donor No UC 8494B
Donor Date Donor Notes Petrie Collectionx0Dx0A
Collector Martin GT Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Wreath from ancient Egypt. Unknown provenance. Box marked Specimens of wreaths. N. Saqqara season 1967-68? Sector 1. Temple debris dating from 18th Dyn to 30 th Dyn. Bulk of it from c.26-30 Dyns. Carbonised lentils from ruins of mud hut dwe, lling of late date, 30th Dyn or later.

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