Wood - Specimen details

Wood - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 18524

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Plant Name 208.00 PINACEAE Larix laricina Entry Book Number 20.1983
Artefact Name Wood Vernacular Name
Iso Country Canada TDWG Region Canada
Parts Held Wood Geography Description Canada, Northern America
Storage Woods size B Related Items
Donor BM (Nat. Hist.) Donor No
Donor Date 00/00/1862 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: A tall slender tree, rising to the height of 80 to 100 ft, abundant in Canada in low wet lands. The wood is considered very valuable, being heavy strong and durable. Called also American larch, and hackmatac. Recently come into great de, mand for ship building and railway ties, for which latter purpose it is found to be well adapted and very durable. Best oak is superior to it only for the outside work of a ship. For knees bends garlands etc. of a ship no wood is better. Remarkably dis, tinguished from the Pines by its deciduous leaves, being bare nearly half the year. Found up to a high altitude, even in Hudsons Bay. Spec. grav 0.6
Determinations:208.00 PINACEAE Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch
    208.00 PINACEAE Larix americana Michx.

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