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Your search returned 2250 results. You searched for the TDWG region: Malaya. This is page 1 of 225

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
56DILLENIACEAE Dillenia reticulataMalaysiaWoodFor Dept
73DILLENIACEAE Dillenia pulchellaMalaysiaWoodFor Dept
77DILLENIACEAE Tetracera macrophyllaMalaysiaWoodRidley HN
79DILLENIACEAE Dillenia spMalaysiaWoodFor Dept
80MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia elegansMalaysiaWoodMalayan For Dept Herb
176MAGNOLIACEAE Michelia champacaMalaysiaWoodIFI Oxford
206MAGNOLIACEAE Michelia scortechiniiMalaysiaWoodMalay For Dept Herb
215MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia candolliiMalaysiaWoodFor Dept
242ANNONACEAE Alphonsea spMalaysiaWoodForest Dept Malaya
243ANNONACEAE Alphonsea spMalaysiaWoodForest Dept Malaya

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