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Your search returned 346 results. You searched for the Kew Use: Dyes. This is page 4 of 35

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
30634FAMILY UNKNOWN LitmusNetherlandsLitmusHanbury D
30635NONE Roccella tinctoriaDutch LitmusDutch LitmusPereira Dr
30678NONE Angola
30680NONE Roccella tinctoriaJohnsons of Hendon Ltd, London, England
30727NONE Roccella tinctoriaLitmusLitmusHanburySmith Sir JE
31813 POACEAE Calamagrostis JapanInternat Health Exhib
33079POACEAE Sorghum bicolorSeedSouth AfricaSeedSutherland Dr
33107 POACEAE Sorghum bicolorDiscoloured Leaf SheathsNigeriaDiscoloured Leaf SheathsAgric Dept Nigeria
34923PALMAE Areca catechuIndiaIndia Museum
36996 DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea cirrhosaRootHong KongRootLondon Leather Industries Lab.

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