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Your search returned 7964 results. You searched for the Plant Part: Bark. This is page 4 of 797

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
9426MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus bridgesianaWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof
9440MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus coriaceaWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof
9457MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus dawsoniBark and woodAustraliaBark and woodGreenish Prof
9459MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus dealbataWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof
9463MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus dextropineaWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof
9527MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus longifoliaWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof
9531MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus macarthuriWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof
9534MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus macrorhynchaWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof
9536MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus maculataWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof
9545MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus maculosaWood and barkAustraliaWood and barkGreenish Prof

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