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Your search returned 159 results. You searched for Genus: RUBIA. This is page 3 of 16

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
53838RUBIACEAE Rubia tinctorumRootTurkeyRootHadwen J
53839RUBIACEAE Rubia tinctorumMadderAustraliaMadderVictorian Commissioners, International Exhibition 1873
53840RUBIACEAE Rubia cordifoliaFruits?ChinaFruits?Bretschneider Dr
53841 RUBIACEAE Rubia tinctoriaBromfield Dr
53842RUBIACEAE Rubia cordifoliaRootIndiaRootIndia Museum
53843RUBIACEAE Rubia cordifoliaWood - Red part dyed with munjeetWood - Red part dyed with munjeetHooker Sir JD
53844RUBIACEAE Rubia tinctorumRootIndiaRootIndia Museum
53845RUBIACEAE Rubia spRootEthiopiaRootPlowden W
53846RUBIACEAE Rubia tinctorumRootsRoots
53847RUBIACEAE Rubia cordifoliaRootIndiaRoot

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