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Your search returned 3967 results. You searched for the family: POACEAE. This is page 3 of 397

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
26632 POACEAE Hordeum spSeedEgyptSeedBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26633POACEAE Hordeum spBread made from barleyEgyptBread made from barleyHaworth JesseFlinders Petrie W
26638POACEAE Imperata cylindricaInflorescenceEgyptInflorescenceBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26695POACEAE Hordeum spFruitUnited KingdomFruitPitt-Rivers General A
26696POACEAE FruitUnited KingdomFruitPitt-Rivers General A
26722 POACEAE Phalaris paradoxaSeedPakistanSeedBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26767 POACEAE Saccharum spontaneumEgyptBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26775 POACEAE Hordeum spSeedEgyptSeedNewberry PE
26776POACEAE Triticum durumEars of wheatEgyptEars of wheatBM (Nat. Hist.)Flinders Petrie W
26777 POACEAE Triticum compactumSeedUnited KingdomSeedBM (Nat. Hist.)

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