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Your search returned 384 results. You searched for the Kew Use: Beverages. This is page 9 of 39

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
54407CACTACEAE Prickly pear coffeeSouth AfricaPrickly pear coffeeDept of Agric Botany Div Pretoria
54450BEGONIACEAE Begonia fimbristipulaTea LeavesChinaTea LeavesGreen PS
54851TURNERACEAE Turnera diffusaLeavesLeavesInter Exhib
54910ONAGRACEAE Epilobium angustifoliumThee or TeaThee or Tea
55572MYRTACEAE Myrtus nummulariaBranches & leavesFalkland IslandsBranches & leavesGeorge Rennie
55904MYRTACEAE Baeckea frutescensLeavesLeavesPharm Soc GB
56629 MYRTACEAE Leptospermum flavescensLeavesLeavesPharm Soc GBRidley HN
56902GROSSULARIACEAE Ribes nigrumLeavesLeaves
56958HYDRANGEACEAE Hydrangea thunbergiiLeavesJapanLeavesWoolley WA
57096ROSACEAE Cliffortia ruscifoliaLeaves and stemSouth AfricaLeaves and stem

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