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Your search returned 253 results. You searched for the Kew Use: 52100. This is page 6 of 26

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
35914PALMAE Manicaria sacciferaPenduncular bract (Bract no.2)Penduncular bract (Bract no.2)Brit Mus (Nat Hist)
36147 PALMAE Raphia fariniferaFibre from petiole of leavesMadagascarFibre from petiole of leavesBrit Trade Journal
36184 PALMAE Raphia fariniferaMadagascar hatMadagascarMadagascar hatManning Collyer & Co, 141 Fenchurch St
36330PALMAE Sabal palmettoShirt StudsShirt StudsBurgess HJ
36718ALOACEAE Aloe spBonnetFranceBonnet
36752ALOACEAE Aloe spSlippersFranceSlippers
37038TACCACEAE Tacca pinnatifidaPia from leaf stalkSwitzerlandPia from leaf stalkWalser P & Co
37676FAGACEAE Fagus sylvaticaSoles of beech woodSoles of beech wood
37691FAGACEAE Fagus sylvaticaPair of shoesPair of shoes
37692FAMILY UNKNOWN Pair of shoes with wooden solesPair of shoes with wooden soles

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