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Your search returned 491 results. You searched for the TDWG region: 553. This is page 44 of 50

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
77306COMPOSITAE Cotula sp.Manzanilla grandePharm Soc GB
77326RUTACEAE Angostura trifoliataQuina de angostura barkPharm Soc GB
77338FAMILY UNKNOWN Yerba motaPharm Soc GB
77339FAMILY UNKNOWN Reyercodo de caacupePharm Soc GB
77343ROSACEAE Cydonia oblongaMembrilloPharm Soc GB
77398FAMILY UNKNOWN Quino chicoPharm Soc GB
77418ANACARDIACEAE Ecor d'icicaPharm Soc GB
77419ASPLENIACEAE Polypodium spCalaguala rootPharm Soc GB
77430FAMILY UNKNOWN Cascaras de yonidiumPharm Soc GB
77435ZINGIBERACEAE Ysipo-yu rootPharm Soc GB

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