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Your search returned 491 results. You searched for the TDWG region: 553. This is page 43 of 50

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
77135FAMILY UNKNOWN Cangai woodPharm Soc GB
77138FAMILY UNKNOWN TopasairePharm Soc GB
77139COMMELINACEAE Commelina cagennensisSuelda con sueldaPharm Soc GB
77156SIMAROUBACEAE Quassia amaraCuasia del alto ParanaPharm Soc GB
77253RUBIACEAE Cinchona spChileQuina de ChilePharm Soc GB
77274POACEAE Te de la pampaPharm Soc GB
77282FAMILY UNKNOWN Espartillo chicoPharm Soc GB
77283FAMILY UNKNOWN Yerba del luceroPharm Soc GB
77287CRUCIFERAE Raphanus sativusRabanoPharm Soc GB
77297RHAMNACEAE Colletia spQuina falsa de ChilePharm Soc GB

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