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Your search returned 253 results. You searched for the Kew Use: 52100. This is page 4 of 26

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
34278POACEAE Melocalamus compactiflorusSeedBurmaSeedBlackwell GFR
34281POACEAE Split Bamboo for hat makingSwitzerlandSplit Bamboo for hat makingWalser Paul M
34405CYPERACEAE Scirpus erectusHat made from CulmsTaiwanHat made from CulmsJapan British Exhibition 1910
34504ARACEAE Alocasia spSubstitute for bonnet wireSamoaSubstitute for bonnet wirePowell Rev T
34523ARACEAE Alocasia spStem fibre ready for plaitingSamoaStem fibre ready for plaitingPowell Rev T
34610CYCLANTHACEAE Carludovica rotundifoliaLeavesJamaicaLeavesPurdie Mr
34811PANDANACEAE Pandanus spArmlets of the fibreSolomon IslandsArmlets of the fibreComins Rev RB
34844PANDANACEAE Pandanus spHat made from leavesGhanaHat made from leavesEvans AE
34845PANDANACEAE Pandanus spEntire dress of an Andaman Is inhabitantIndiaEntire dress of an Andaman Is inhabitantThomson Dr Allen Collection
34849PANDANACEAE Pandanus spCuticle of LeafTaiwanCuticle of LeafJapan British Exhibition

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