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Your search returned 613 results. You searched for Genus: Zea. This is page 3 of 62

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
33455POACEAE Zea maysPacket of Kelloggs Corn FlakesPacket of Kelloggs Corn FlakesStubbs Mrs J, RBG Kew
33456POACEAE Zea maysKelloggs `Frosties'Kelloggs `Frosties'Stubbs Mrs J, RBG Kew
33457POACEAE Zea maysIndian Corn CobMalawiIndian Corn CobKirk Sir J
33458 POACEAE Zea maysBranching cobs of Indian Corn or MaizeZambiaBranching cobs of Indian Corn or MaizeKirk Sir J
33459POACEAE Zea maysCorn cobsCorn cobs
33460POACEAE Zea maysCorn cobChileCorn cobDavy Mrs
33461 POACEAE Zea maysCorn cobsCorn cobsHadwen J
33462POACEAE Zea maysCorn cobsCorn cobs
33463POACEAE Zea maysCorn seedCorn seedField Columbian Museum
33464POACEAE Zea maysCorn cobsCorn cobs

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