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Your search returned 11 results. You searched for Genus: Sideritis. This is page 1 of 2

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
41484LABIATAE Sideritis scardicaFlowering stemsGreeceFlowering stemsGoyder DJ
46213LABIATAE Sideritis syriacaPortions of plantGreecePortions of plantConingham Mrs
46214 LABIATAE Sideritis clandestinaGreek TeaGreeceGreek TeaScience & Art Dept, Bethnal Green
46226LABIATAE Sideritis syriacaHerb TeaGreeceHerb TeaStubbs Mrs J, RBG Kew
79924LABIATAE Sideritis canariensisWood and barkSpainWood and barkGarcia Esteban L, de Palacios P de P
79925LABIATAE Sideritis lotsyiWood and barkSpainWood and barkGarcia Esteban L, de Palacios P de P

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