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Your search returned 313 results. You searched for Genus: JUGLANS. This is page 20 of 32

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
72417JUGLANDACEAE Juglans spWoodIndiaWoodHay Dr A
72422JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWoodIndiaWoodHay Dr A
73891JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaToy chairUnited KingdomToy chairLondon College of Furniture
73921JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaPaperUnited KingdomPaperOldridge S
74862JUGLANDACEAE Juglans ailanthifoliawood & barkUnited Kingdomwood & bark
74891JUGLANDACEAE Juglans nigrawoodUnited Kingdomwood
75958JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWhole and half nut shellChinaWhole and half nut shellHimmeler Roland, Himmeler Guat Cheng
75959JUGLANDACEAE Juglans mandshuria x regiaWalnut shellsChinaWalnut shellsHimmeler Roland, Himmeler Guat Cheng
76766JUGLANDACEAE Juglans regiaWalnut leaf oilWalnut leaf oilPharm Soc GB
77938JUGLANDACEAE Juglans cinereaJuglandinJuglandinPharm Soc GB

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