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Your search returned 150 results. You searched for the family: MONIMIACEAE. This is page 8 of 15

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
23482MONIMIACEAE Steganthera spWoodWoodHerbarium Australiense CSIROSchodde R, Craven LA
24883MONIMIACEAE Daphnandra micranthaWoodAustraliaWoodPhiladelphia Exhib. 1876
24884MONIMIACEAE Doryphora sassafrasWoodAustraliaWoodTechnical Museum, Sydney
25432 MONIMIACEAE Daphnandra micranthaWoodAustraliaWoodInter. Exhib. 1862
25563MONIMIACEAE Daphnandra micranthaWoodAustraliaWoodInternational Exhibition 1862
25602MONIMIACEAE Doryphora sassafrasWoodAustraliaWood
37770MONIMIACEAE Laurelia novae-zelandiaeBowl (Map and photo)New ZealandBowl (Map and photo)Amrstrong, A.M.L.
40053 MONIMIACEAE Peumus boldusHerb TeasChileHerb TeasWickens GE
45317MONIMIACEAE Atherosperma moschatumEssential OilAustraliaEssential OilInternational Exhibition
45318MONIMIACEAE Atherosperma moschatumLeavesAustraliaLeavesInternational Exhibition

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