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Your search returned 612 results. You searched for the country: Egypt. This is page 58 of 62

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
72207BIGNONIACEAE Tecoma stansWoodEgyptWoodLeiden Herbarium, NetherlandsVoorheen
72328PALMAE Phoenix dactyliferaKing DatesEgyptKing DatesHooker Sir JD
73467FAMILY UNKNOWN Earthenware from tombsEgyptEarthenware from tombsWannock Mrs J
75776PALMAE Phoenix dactyliferaOrange box (crate)EgyptOrange box (crate)Woodman DWoodman D
76042CUCURBITACEAE Lagenaria sicerariaSeedsEgyptSeedsBishop J
76366ROSACEAE Prunus dulcisSweet almond oil (and other essential oils)EgyptSweet almond oil (and other essential oils)
79125POACEAE Triticum dicocconEmmer wheatEgyptEmmer wheatN. de Garis DaviesN. de Garis Davies
79752UMBELLIFERAE Ammi visnagaBox of natural toothpicksEgyptBox of natural toothpicksHepper NHepper N
90401FAMILY UNKNOWN Coiled basketworkEgyptCoiled basketworkWorshipful Company of BasketmakersFlinders Petrie W
90402FAMILY UNKNOWN Coiled basketworkEgyptCoiled basketworkWorshipful Company of BasketmakersFlinders Petrie W

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