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Your search returned 255 results. You searched for the country: 172. This is page 22 of 26

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
73104LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE Acacia tortilisSeedSudanSeedBristow SC
73105BALANITACEAE Balanites aegyptiacaFruitsSudanFruitsBristow SC
73106CUCURBITACEAE Citrullus colocynthisFruits and seedSudanFruits and seedBristow SC
73107LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE Acacia albidaSeedSudanSeedBristow SC
73109CAPPARACEAE Boscia senegalensisFruitsSudanFruitsBristow SC
75818LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE Acacia niloticaSeedsSudanSeedsLeather Conservation CentreProcter HR
76349POACEAE Woven dust protectors for food bowlsSudanWoven dust protectors for food bowlsWickens GE
78647LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE Acacia tortilisGumSudanGumSchool of Chemistry, The University of EdinburghSeif el Din
78651LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE Acacia laetaGround gumSudanGround gumSchool of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh
78666BURSERACEAE Canarium schweinfurthiiOleoresinSudanOleoresinSchool of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh

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