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Your search returned 350 results. You searched for the country: 155. This is page 4 of 35

Catalogue Number Image Taxon Artefact Name IsoCountry Plant Part Held Donor Collector
3018ELAEOCARPACEAE Elaeocarpus pustularusWoodPhilippinesWoodHerb. KewSulit MD
3198OXALIDACEAE Averrhoa carambolaWoodPhilippinesWoodBritish Museum (Natural History)
3714BURSERACEAE Canarium ovatumWoodPhilippinesWoodDirector of Forestry
3728BURSERACEAE Canarium villosumWoodPhilippinesWoodDir. of Forests Philippines
3898MELIACEAE Amoora ahernianaWoodPhilippinesWoodDirector of Forestry
3985MELIACEAE Cedrela odorataWoodPhilippinesWoodBowring Sir J
4023MELIACEAE Cedrela toonaWoodPhilippinesWoodBritish Museum (Natural History)
4033MELIACEAE Chisocheton philippinusWoodPhilippinesWoodDir. of Forests
4328MELIACEAE Sandoricum indicumWoodPhilippinesWoodDirector of Forestry
4329MELIACEAE Sandoricum indicumWoodPhilippinesWoodDirector of Forestry

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