Basket with lid - Specimen details

Basket with lid - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 73658

Plant Name 200.00 POACEAE Eleusine coracana Entry Book Number 27.1996
Artefact Name Basket with lid Vernacular Name
Iso Country Uganda TDWG Region Uganda
Parts Held Basket with lid Geography Description Uganda, Africa, East Tropical Africa, Fort Portal / Kasese
Uses Basket with lidUse: MATERIALS User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Cunningham AB Donor No
Donor Date 21/06/1996 Donor Notes
Collector Cunningham AB Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date 00/03/1996
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Basket from Bunyangabo, a small village between Fort Portal and Kasese, Western Uganda. Used to serve porridge (stiff porridge) made from finger millet (Eleusine coracana). This is an important component of a meal served on special occasions (eg when pa, rents or honoured visitors arrive); often with chicken as the relish. Material of the undyed part of the basket is Eleusine coracana. Dyed material is of Raphia farinifera fibre (from unopened emerged leaflets). Red dye from Rubia cordifolia roots. I', m unsure of the dark dye. Possibly from burying Raphia fibre in silty mud (it is sometimes done with leaves of Alchornea cordifolia (mordant?). Bought in March 1996 by AB Cunningham.
Determinations:84.01 RUBIACEAE Rubia cordifolia
    151.01 EUPHORBIACEAE Alchornea cordifolia
    187.00 PALMAE Raphia farinifera
    200.00 POACEAE Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.

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