Soap and Ointment - Specimen details

Soap and Ointment - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 66970

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Plant Name 17.03 FLACOURTIACEAE Hydnocarpus kurzii Entry Book Number 32.1927
Artefact Name Soap and Ointment Vernacular Name
Iso Country India TDWG Region India
Parts Held Soap and Ointment Geography Description India, Indian Subcontinent, Asia Tropical
Uses Soap and OintmentUse: MATERIALS User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Wrasanna Kumar Sen, Chittagong Donor No
Donor Date 00/00/1927 Donor Notes Dept Commerc Intell & Statist Date: 10/08/1927x0Dx0A
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Tin of ointment - P.K.Sen`s Chaulmoogra ointment for skin diseases and sores ointment awarded Gold-Medal Industrial Exhib 1922. It is the best ointment for external application on the syphilitic sores and piles. Its chief ingredients are gu, aranteed pure cold drawn genuine Chaulmoogra Oil (Extract from true seeds of Taraktogenos kurzii) among other valuable drugs. It is absolutely safe and harmless and free from all injurious or mercurial ingredients. It has no burning sensation, no offensiv, e odour in use. It leaves no bad after effects or spot on cloth. Its cure is complete, radical and permanent. It is a sure certain and never failing external remedy for sores and skin diseases of any and every kind acute or chronic or hereditary. It is un, ique in character and far reaching in effect. It goes through the pores of the skin to the very root of the disease and kills the germs there. It is beautifully soothing, perfumed and strongly antiseptic in the presence of .... and poisons. It has no equa, l, it is real and magical in effect. Directions for use - Cleanse the affected or diseased part with PK Sen`s Chaulmoogra soap and hot water, then (when dried) apply the ointment rubbing properly 3 or 4 times a day with the finger; where rubbing is not po, ssible put the ointment on a clean lint, linen or absorbent cotton and place it on the sore, but rubbing is more effective. It is sufficient to clean the affected part with Chaulmoogra soap and hot water once a day before using the ointment. It is advisab, le to continue the use of this ointment for sometime even after recovery for the sake of being free from further attacks and take baths using Chaulmoogra soap as a preventive of skin diseases. (Manufacturers blurb)x0Dx0Ax0Dx0APreviously part of Plants + People ex, hibition in Museum no.1 1997- Spring 2016

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