Flowers - Specimen details

Flowers - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 55708

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Plant Name 88.00 COMPOSITAE Chrysanthemum cinarariaefolium Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Flowers Vernacular Name
Iso Country Not defined TDWG Region Not defined
Parts Held Flowers Geography Description
Uses FlowersUse: MEDICINES User: Not defined TDWG use MEDICINES
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Pharm Soc GB Donor No 108 ?
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Also C.roseum (coccineum) Persian insect flowers Various parts of the flower dissected together with illustrations of the parts too ie vertical section, involucre, ray-floret etc The flowerheads are distinguished from the Dalmatian by the, dark, nearly black, colour of the involucral bracts, by the rose colour of the ray-florets and by the ten ribbed fruit. Observe (a) The sub-globular shape of the 'closed' flowers (b) The yellowish colour of the bracts (c) The short corolla and membranouc, alyx of the tubular florets (d) The fire prominent ribs of the fruit
Determinations:88.00 COMPOSITAE Chrysanthemum cinarariaefolium
    88.00 COMPOSITAE Chrysanthemum roseum

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