Herb - Specimen details

Herb - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 52033

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Plant Name 91.01 CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia decurrens Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Herb Vernacular Name
Iso Country Peru TDWG Region Peru
Parts Held Herb Geography Description Peru, Jarobamba, 5 leagues from Arequipa
Uses HerbUse: MEDICINES - Digestive System Disorders User: Man TDWG use MEDICINES - Digestive System Disorders
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Pharm Soc GB Donor No 13 B 6
Donor Date Donor Notes Hanbury Collectionx0Dx0A
Collector Warszewicz AJ de Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: See Penney 'On Lobelia used medicinally in Peru' in Pharm Journ and Trans, July 1853, Vol xiii p 14. (See below) Label source: A few weeks since Hanbury handed me a spec. of Lobelia which he had received from de Warszewicz, a German botani, st, travelling in S America. It was found in the village of Jarobamba. A monopetalous epigynous exogen, with a two celled ovary, syngenesious anthers, stigma surrounded by hairs, and valvate irregular corolla, it is at once recognizable. It appears to, be very acrid, its aqueous infusion has a burning and acrid taste, not unlike tobacco, and its smell is irritating and nauseating. Medicinal in Peru. Its action remarkable in nervous fever; that in Arequipa one, two or three grains of the leaves and fl, owers, in the form of powder are given in a dose to adults, and act quickly, and an emetic and purgative. Indians universally employ it as an emetic. Roots leaves and flowers are used.

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