Extract - Specimen details

Extract - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 50923

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Plant Name 101.01 SAPOTACEAE Mimusops sp Entry Book Number 57.1924
Artefact Name Extract Vernacular Name
Iso Country Brazil TDWG Region Brazil
Parts Held Extract Geography Description Brazil
Uses ExtractUse: User: Not defined TDWG use
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Madeira-Mamore Railway Co Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes Terry (Mr)x0Dx0A
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: One large piece left at Museum by Mr Terry Brazil 55.1924. Smaller samples 57.1924 with letter as follows. J.H.H. Certificate of analysis: Report on sample of Balata marked No. A received from the Madeira-Mamore Railway Co 21.8.1924. This s, ample contains as follows: Gutta hydrocarbon - 90.40, Resin - 4.15, Bark, Colouring Matter etc (insoluble in Benzol) - 4.00, Moisture - 0.85, Mineral Matter (Ash) - 0.60. Sample 3B; Gutta Hydrocarbon - 91.35, Resin - 3.80, Bark, Colouring Matter etc - 2.0, 0, Moisture - 2.25, Mineral Matter (Ash) - 0.60. Sample 3C; Gutta hydrocarbon - 91.20, Resin - 3.55, Bark, Colouring Matter etc - 2.30, Moisture - 2.25, Mineral Matter (Ash) - 0.70.

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