Tobacco Pouch made of Morus & Acer - Specimen details

Tobacco Pouch made of Morus & Acer - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 48401

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Plant Name 153.05 MORACEAE Morus sp Entry Book Number 180.1893
Artefact Name Tobacco Pouch made of Morus & Acer Vernacular Name
Iso Country Japan TDWG Region Japan
Parts Held Tobacco Pouch made of Morus & Acer Geography Description Japan, Eastern Asia, Asia Temperate
Uses Tobacco Pouch made of Morus & AcerUse: MATERIALS User: Not defined TDWG use MATERIALS
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Jackson John R Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Royal Exotic Nursery, 544 Kings Road, Chelsea, London, dated March 13th 1894 John R Jackson Esq. Sir, In reply to your favour respecting the exhibit recently presented to the Kew Museum, I may inform you it is used solely by the aboriginals, of Japan now confined to the Northern Island and there rapidly disappearing. There are known, as you are probably aware, as the 'Ainus'. In some years time such an exhibit will be unattainable and very rare. I do not know that I can give you any more inf, ormation about it and trust this will be sufficient for the purpose of labelling. I am, Sir, yours faithfully, James H. Veitch. The piece of long wood attached is for inserting in the girdle. JHV The thin flat piece for insertion in the belt is of Morus a, lba, the remainder is of Acer pictum.x0Dx0AIn display 'Kew in the city' at Wizadry in Wood, Carpenters' Hall, Trogmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2JJ, Oct 12-15, 2016 (curated collection of wooden objects and rare timbers from EBC)
Determinations:51.03 ACERACEAE Acer pictum
    153.05 MORACEAE Morus sp

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