Leaves - Specimen details

Leaves - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 47343

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Plant Name 122.00 ACANTHACEAE Justicia adhatoda Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Leaves Vernacular Name
Iso Country India TDWG Region India
Parts Held Leaves Geography Description India
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Pharm Soc GB Donor No 8 A 1
Donor Date 00/00/1985 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: The leaves of adhatoda submitted to dry distillation evelved substances similar to tobacco under the same conditions. At first water condensed, and no intolerable odour arose from a yellow oily liquid which followed. Then a brown oily sub, stance came over, associated with the pungent vapour of ammonia, and finally a thick brown semi-crystalline solid was driven from the retort to the condenser. These products were all strongly alkaline. A sample of pond water containing Spyrogyra and nume, rous animalcules was mixed with a few drops of strong infusion of adhatoda leaves. Chlorophyll gradually disappeared from the leaves and the cells broke up. Oxygen was geven off with less frequency and at length ceased. Insect pupae rose to the surface, of the water and there died. A solution of sulphate of vasicine was added to some water in a basin containing a live frog. The frog immediately sank, and without the slightest movement, gave unmistakable evidence of being dead. Some small black leeche, s adhering to the frog before at once left it and came to the surface. Those that did not succeed in escaping from the vessel in an hours time were quite lifeless. An aqueous solution of the alcoholic extract of the leaves was tried upon flies, fleas, m, osquitoes, centipedes and other insects and poison resulted. On the higher animals the leaves do not seem to have such an effect. A quantity of the alcoholic extract representing 15 g of the leaf was given to a small dog, and the administration was not, attended with any symptoms. Reputed use of leaves in destroying injurious weeds in submerged fields is proven. It is also useful in destroying lower orders of animal life - an important addition to the materia agricolarum in India.
Determinations:122.00 ACANTHACEAE Adhatoda vasica Nees
    122.00 ACANTHACEAE Justicia adhatoda L.

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