Cigar support - Specimen details

Cigar support - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 46604

Plant Name 120.01 BIGNONIACEAE Tecoma sp Entry Book Number 19.1853
Artefact Name Cigar support Vernacular Name
Iso Country Brazil TDWG Region Brazil
Parts Held Cigar support Geography Description Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Uaupes
Uses Cigar supportUse: MATERIALS User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS
Storage Large shelving Related Items
Donor Spruce, Richard Donor No 142
Donor Date 12/03/1853 Donor Notes
Collector Spruce, Richard Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Source: Museum Entry Book 1847-55, p206: Instrument shaped like tuning fork used for supporting the great cigars smoked on state occasions. The sharp end is stuck into the ground and the Tuchaua (being seated on the bauquinho (stool)) supports his cigar, of 18 inches or more in length between the forks. Carving coloured red with tana.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0ASource: Spruce, R. (1855) Domestic Uses. Plantae Amazonicae. Domestic uses (pp31-61) and miscellaneous notes, p57. : Cigar holder on Uaupés made of this wood.x0Dx0Ax0Dx0ADispl, ayed in 'Kew in the city' at Wizadry in Wood, Carpenters' Hall, Trogmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2JJ, Oct 12-15, 2016 (curated collection of wooden objects and rare timbers from EBC)

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