Rubber - Specimen details

Rubber - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 44047

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Plant Name 151.01 EUPHORBIACEAE Hevea brasiliensis Entry Book Number 52.1889
Artefact Name Rubber Vernacular Name
Iso Country Burma TDWG Region Burma
Parts Held Rubber Geography Description Tenasserim, Mergui Plantation
Uses RubberUse: MATERIALS - Latex/Rubber User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Latex/Rubber
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor India Office Donor No
Donor Date Donor Notes India Museumx0Dx0A
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: Valued in 1889 at 1s.11d. per 1lb. No. 1 Hevea rubber - yield of 37 trees (Hevea) on the East of the small stream running through the Mergui Plantation. Collected 23rd to 26th Nov. 1888. It was obtained by tapping trees of H. brasiliensis a, bout a foot in diameter, and drying in the sun. In a report from Silver a portion of this was valued at 1/11 per pound. The present specimen of manufactured rubber is from the same sample. Label source: Copy of report by Mr H. Lamphier (Terry?) (Messrs C, MacIntosh) Manchester July 29th 1889. ' Report on a small sample of H. brasiliensis, the sample does not compare favourably with ordinary smoked para. It lacks tensile strength and soon looses its elasticity on exposure to a temperature of 100 degrees C., The difference is not due to the presence of resins as the amount of these found (2.8%) does not exceed the ordinary figure but it is rather to the molecular structure of the rubber, i.e. the greater preponderance of the viscous over the fiberous constit, uents'.

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