Bulb - Specimen details

Bulb - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 36640

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Plant Name 175.28 AMARYLLIDACEAE Crinum asiaticum Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Bulb Vernacular Name
Iso Country Not defined TDWG Region Not defined
Parts Held Bulb Geography Description
Uses BulbUse: MEDICINES - Digestive System Disorders User: Not defined TDWG use MEDICINES - Digestive System Disorders
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Donor Pharm Soc GB Donor No
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Notes: Label source: History, uses etc. I have not met with any account of this drug in native works on Materia Medica, nor does it appear to be used medicinally in Bombay, though the plant is very common. Ainslie informs us that the natives of S India bruise, the leaves and mix them with a little castor oil, so forming an application which they think useful for repelling whitlows and other inflamations that come at the ends of the toes and fingers. Also that the juice of the leaves is employed for ear ache i, n Upper Indea. Rumphius, who calls it Radix toxicaria, speaks highly of its virtues in curing the disease occasioned by the poisoned arrows of the Macassars in their wars, it is the root chewed that is the emetic, provided a little of the juice is swallo, wed. The Crinum asiaticum is the man sylan of the Cochin Chinese and its virtues may be found lauded by Loureiro. Sir W O'Shaughnessy remarks that this is the only indigenous and abundant emetic plant of which he has experience, which acts without produ, cing griping, purging or other unpleasant symptoms. In the Phar of India the root has been made official as an emetic. Nauseant and diaphoretic. Directions for making a juice and syrup are given the former to be given in doses of 2 to 4 fluid drachms e, very 20 mins until emesia is produced. The latter doses of 2 fluid drachms as a nauseant and emetic for children. Description - Caulescent or stemless, leaves linear lanceolate, very smooth, margins entire, striated beneath 3 - 4 ft long and 5 - 7 ins br, oad, scapes axilliary, shorter than the leaves, a little compressed, flowers numerous, 12 - 50 in an umbel, white almost inodorous. Berries roundish, the size of a pigeons egg. The root is bulbous, white, with a terminal stoloniferous fusiform portion i, ssuing from the crown of the bulb. It varies greatly in size, odour narcotic and disagreeable.

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