Petioles - Specimen details

Petioles - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 35838

Plant Name 187.00 PALMAE Leopoldinia piassaba Entry Book Number 65.1855
Artefact Name Petioles Vernacular Name
Iso Country Venezuela TDWG Region Venezuela
Parts Held Petioles Geography Description Columbia, Forests on the Rio Guainia and Venezuela, Casiquiare
Uses PetiolesUse: MATERIALS - Fibres User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Fibres
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Spruce, Richard Donor No 191
Donor Date 15/06/1855 Donor Notes No: 83x0Dx0A
Collector Spruce, Richard Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Source: Museum entry book 1855-61.: Petioles of the Piassaba palm showing the mode of growth of the beard, which is quite analagous to the matted sheath of the fronds of the common cocoa, the beard of the Patana etc. The Piassaba used for making ropes,et, c., is taken from young trees only, of from 3 to 5 feet high; for as the trunk grows higher, the beard of each frond grows gradually shorter, so as to be unserviceable for such purposes. I enclose the long beard taken from a tree 4 ft high and others from, a tree of 40 feet.Forests of the Rio Guiana and Rio Casiquiare.

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