Cough Mixture - Specimen details

Cough Mixture - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 35822

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Plant Name 187.00 PALMAE Lodoicea sp Entry Book Number
Artefact Name Cough Mixture Vernacular Name
Iso Country Malaysia TDWG Region Malaysia
Parts Held Cough Mixture Geography Description Malaysia
Uses Cough MixtureUse: MEDICINES - Respiratory System Disorders User: Man TDWG use MEDICINES - Respiratory System Disorders
Storage Spirit Related Items
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Notes: Label source: Ubat Batok, 'Kelapa Laut Afrika' Lekas Berhenti Batok for coughs, bronchitis, influenza, colds, sore throat, whooping cough, catarrh, chronic cough, loss of voice and spitting. A prepartion contains principal drugs including extract from E, ast African Sea Coconut that physicians have found it quick in relieving afflictions of the lungs and upper air passages. Sweet and easy to take. Sea coconut helps to loosen choking phlegm and heals damage caused by whooping cough. Formula - Ext. Sea Coco, nut 75%, Syrup simplex 8%, Syrup Tolutanus 3.1%, Tinxc Tinct. Ipecac 3.1%, Menthol 200 grains, Liq.Pruni 3.1%, Liq. Scillae Pro Syr. 3.1%, Ext. Glycerrhhiza 3.1% and Liq. Ammon Acet. Fort. 1.5%.

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