Native Spun Twine - Specimen details

Native Spun Twine - Specimen details

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Catalogue Number: 30021

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Plant Name 175.18 PHORMIACEAE Phormium tenax Entry Book Number 2.1897
Artefact Name Native Spun Twine Vernacular Name
Iso Country New Zealand TDWG Region New Zealand
Parts Held Native Spun Twine Geography Description
Uses Native Spun TwineUse: MATERIALS - Fibres User: Man TDWG use MATERIALS - Fibres
Storage Bottles, boxes etc Related Items
Donor Colenso W Donor No
Donor Date 08/01/1897 Donor Notes
Collector Collector No
Collection Notes Collection Date
Exhibition Expedition
Number Components Publication
Notes: Label source: No. 1 is about 50 years old. No. 2 is more than 60 years, it was used for attaching to the small under aprons of girls. For Kew, native spun twine 50 years old! July 1895 Found in box minerals. Curious and unique specimen of cord or string, more than 60 years old. See its history/Trans. N. Zealand Instit. Vol. XXIV p. 466. This has ever excited great interest, my little reel of it has been shown at all our Southern Exhibitions. (Extract from letter of W Colenso to Director dated Napier 19.8., 96) No. 2 This specimen of cord I value highly - my little lot (a few more yards) I obtained from E. Cape Natives nearly 60 years ago (1837): no other European has ever seen it, I spared a yard of it to a foreign nobleman (tourist) a few years ago.

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